Rewilding, nature connection and the blood mysteries.
26 July 2022
Rewilding, nature connection and the blood mysteries.
Currently missing my bleed so I've been giving back to the earth hair from my hairbrush and nail clippings as sacrament and deep nature (re)connection. All non-menstruators can do this too x
[Also, there are many ways to feel "woman". This was simply one way I experienced.]
26 July 2017
Today is the first day of my new moon. The physical pain is intense, there's a lot going on inside of me. Yet I feel it's time for meditation, not medication. I'm vibrating. I'm feeling powerful and fragile at the same time.
I promised myself a few months back that I would give to myself this one day each month - at least - for rest, introspection, stillness.
On this first day last month, I had the privilege of being naked in nature with other beautiful beings, giving myself rest in the tipi and around the fire at Lost Horizon, and bleeding directly onto the earth. Yes, I enjoy dissolving taboos! - and the concern of a few people quietly pointing out I had blood on my thigh, along with my blasé response to them, felt as delicious as my freedom to be a wild, feral woman.
I usually use a Moon Cup but even that feels restrictive at the moment, as I want to flow, simply, that's all..
This month I am curled up in bed, softly holding my expanse of belly. It's raining outside. I've created a new moon chart with moon phases, activities, archetypes, seasons and feelings. I'm looking up patterns to make my own reusable menstrual pads. I have begun reading a beautiful new book - If Women Rose Rooted by Sharon Blackie - lent to me by a dear (male) friend.
I'm feeling very blessed and honoured to be woman.