Dawn Chorus
28 July 2022
5 a.m. wide awake
(Deep healing work and energetic shifts can do that.)
Have we got to at the age of Aquarius yet?
Has the dawn chorus sung?
Oh dear –
It's not a destination to be reached,
A linear milestone to arrive at.
It's a shift of perspective –
From ME to WE.
Check it out in the mirror
And you will see.
[It flips along the (event) horizon.]
It's not a beckoning,
It's a Be–Come–ing.
Come and Be.
Here's the big reveal –
(Drum roll...)
[Shamanic, hand made, ethically sourced ideally.]
The Aquarian Age –
Coming together in collective consciousness.
The mycelium network of individuals
Understanding of spiritual mysteries.
The mycelium network.
Yep, just like those mushrooms
Working deep underground.
Gnows we are connected.
Energetic beings.
Gnows we are related.
Relational beings.
Gnows we are the wave,
And the ocean.
A leaf,
And the tree it one day leaves.
Here's the deal –
If I accept all the parts of myself,
I mean all of them,
And you accept all the parts of yourself,
Ye, all of them.
Yes, yes, dear –
Even the parts
That don't want to be welcomed,
Even the parts
That resist,
Accept them as they are.
Then, as if by magic –
(Yes, yes,
There be witches for sure!)
We may just find
I can accept you
And you can accept me.
No dear, it's no trick,
The scientists will show you
The evidence
If that's what you need
To be a believer.
The science
And the book knowledge
To soothe our mind.
But dear, did you forget
The wisdom of you body?
Your gut feeling.
Your intuition.
Your je ne se quoi.
Your felt sense.
Your inner knowing.
Your sixth sense.
Your heart wisdom.
How else might you describe
That which your mind
May not understand,
Your bones,
Your cells,
Your blood,
Your organs,
Your fluids,
Your skin,
So back in the naughties
(90s 80s 70s blah)
Or even yesterday
When those
New age spirituality punks
Would tell you
To get out of your head
And into your heart
They didn't quite hit the mark.
Cos all that
Version one point zero
Ascension bolloxks
Missed a vital piece
Of what it is
To Be Human.
We is a spirit in a body
We is sacredness in matter
Do we really want to
Blast out of our crown chakra
Into the ocean of eternal bliss?
One day for good perhaps
Some days for sure
But what I love
More than that
More and more and more!
Is this mutha loving home
We call planet earth.
It's all about the base.
Bass bass bass.
(Buttery biscuit bass?)
The heart and the base.
The heart of the base?
(And yes,
The mind at the heart's service.
The perfect instrument,
The perfect place.)
It's our home
We're about 70 percent water and,
Some may say coincidentally
(I scoff!)
The earth is about the same.
Earth my body,
Water my blood.
And for sure we need
The big T
And the little t
Trauma work.
We're each and every one of us
Traumatised in some way
By our very existence.
We have each been victim
We have each been perpetrator
In a big or little way.
On the wheel of life.
Imagine that?
I know!
Some may say
It's the trauma
That creates our personality.
Some say nature
Some say nurture
Some say it's past lives
Some say it's in utero
Some say it's karma
Some say it's cellular
Does it even fucking matter?
Do we have the –
(Both inner and outer,
Our own and other people's)
To feel it
Hold it
Examine it
Learn from it
Make peace with it
Love it
Let go of it?
We is all
Children of nature.
Bless –
The beauty,
The beautiful mess.
Aaaaaah the dawn chorus.
Here they are now.
Good morning
And sweet dreams x