Healing from Mastitis

15 October 2021

Direct remedies

  • Chilled cabbage leaves in the bra to ease pain

  • Bathing breast with hot and cold water, hot flannel on breast in the bath

  • Massaging breast in the bath, combing/brushing breast

  • Massaging breast while feeding

  • Feeding more from the infected/blocked side

Homeopathic remedies

  • Belladonna, Phytolacca, Bryonia, Silicea, Hepar Sulph

  • https://www.rajeevclinic.com/disease/gynaecology-women%60s-health-4/mastitis-728.html

  • https://joettecalabrese.com/blog/3-homeopathic-remedies-for-mastitis/

Ongoing support

  • Get plenty of rest

  • Stay hydrated

  • Breastfeed laying on side to conserve energy


  • Shoulder circling (hands on shoulders, draw circles with elbows, both directions)

  • Shoulder and chest opening movements (such as cat/cow, puppy, bridge, twists)

  • Breathing into the chest area, to keep breast tissue well drained and healthy

How to clear a clogged duct

  • https://milkology.org/content/how-to-clear-a-clogged-milk-duct


Rewilding, nature connection and the blood mysteries.

