Heart-Centred Yoga

Transformational Yoga is a heart-centred yoga practice which encompasses physical postures, breathing practices and mantra, as well as meditation and deep relaxation. It is a blend of traditional teachings and a contemporary approach relevant to the world we live in, helping you to let go of outside pressures and connect with your inner self to find strength, focus and inner peace. Take your awareness inwards.

“Katy’s practice combines sensitivity and depth, bringing awareness to mind, body and spirit. I really enjoy her use of different breathing techniques in sequences, I find it has helped me to focus on the detail of postures. I come away from class feeling grounded and peaceful and full of energy to face whatever the day brings with a smile.”

The Eight Limbs of Yoga

Our Transformational Yoga practice includes six of the eight limbs of yoga:

  • Asana - physical postures

  • Pranayama - breathing techniques

  • Pratyahara - drawing in focus

  • Dharana - concentration through mantra

  • Dhyana - absorption or meditation

  • Samadhi - enlightenment or bliss

The first two being:

  • Yamas - how we relate to the world

  • Niyamas - our code of conduct

…relevant on and off the mat!

My yoga journey

I have been practising yoga since 1999, and deepened my practice at a month long immersion in India in 2010, then qualified as a Transformational Yoga teacher in 2013.

I have taken further trainings in Hatha, Vinyasa, Yoga for Anxiety and Depression, and Yoni Shakti Well Woman Yoga Therapy, as well as in-depth study of Restorative and Scaravelli.

I have been hosting Retreats in Nature since 2014.

An integral approach

Applying an integral approach to both my yoga teaching and personal practice – connecting body, breath, heart, mind and soul – has brought an awareness and inner stillness I didn’t believe was possible before. Not only am I more focused and calm (and taller, with better posture!) now, I feel I am able to be more kind and loving – to myself, and to others. I love being in this space of teacher and eternal student, and hope we can share the magic of yoga too.

“Katy’s transformational yoga classes really help and support me spiritually and physically, opening up my energy levels, spiritual channels and giving me a sense of balance all round. I highly recommend the classes to anyone of any level of experience.”