Who am I?
21 May 2017
I am:
Wise woman.
Sacred whore.
Full shakti power.
Strong masculine energy.
Gender fluid and beyond gender.
Kalidora La Exploradora.
Craving home: a place to be.
Yogi and tantrika.
Lost Horizoner.
Doing less.
Learning to be.
South London roots, with Irish blood and Corsican history.
Sometimes afraid or ashamed of my power and strength.
Love and grief.
Warrior of the truth.
I've battled for many years between doing what I should and living my truth. It's taken me on a rickety, windy, rollercoaster of a journey (see backstory below) for which now I'm grateful. Expansion, contraction, expansion. Through the power of plants and other medicines I've had experiences which have taken me to a place of deep psychological darkness, as well as overwhelming lightness and expansiveness. I've experienced, learned, discovered. Loved and lost. Been humiliated and humbled. I have many tools in my toolbox, but get overwhelmed sometimes with how to use them, where to go from here. Don't think, breathe.....
Stuck at a cross-road in my life this January, I journeyed and met my spirit guide - a beaver! - who took me to a huge beautiful old tree in a woodland where there was a door in the tree slightly ajar, I went inside where there was a central fire and shelves of plants and potions, and an energy of warmth and love and alchemy, and no doubt it was for the witches, and it was home. I want to find the witches, convene with them, create with them, allow our energies to flow fully, see where our creativity leads us. Co-creation, space/time travel, hedge witchery, magik, wildness….
Through play, experiment, investigation, relating with others I can experience my individual gifts and power and those of the group. Attune to myself through somatic body wisdom. For me this is also about going within, finding the richness, allowing myself to be seen...un-learning, un-knowing. Finding lightness and playfulness of my heart and spirit. Perhaps re-learning how, when I listen and see and feel and sense, this can become something quite beautiful. I want to discover how I can bring more love, strength, courage and joy to my time - our time - on Mother Earth. I know I will not see all the benefits of long-term, positive, sustainable, systemic change in my life-time but this is about creating the more beautiful world for our children and their children and generations to come.