Nature or Nurture?
16 January 2023
Nurture Our Nature.
What's Nature? What's Nurture? And where do we want to go from here?
On the subjects of Neurodivergence and Trauma, I've been supposing that Neurodivergence comes from Nature, Nature as in our Environment, our Built or Natural World.
And that Trauma comes from Nurture. Nurture as in the Behaviours we are exposed to. From our care givers, families, educators, peers, coworkers, communities. But we could put Environment in here too.
But Nature can also be Traumatic. Just tryin' to survive and potentially thrive in this big ol' world of ours. Whether we're civilised beings or wild creatures, or anywhere else on a spectrum or spectras, it's feasible that Nature could lead to Trauma.
Nurture, as in the behaviours we are exposed to, could definitely lead to Trauma. Our care givers, families, educators, peers, coworkers, communities all trying to survive and hopefully thrive in organisations and systems that are unwell. On a planet that has been abused. Having themselves been born into something similar in a pre-echo before Our Time.
And, Neurodivergence - coming from Nature - could actually also be Trauma, whether through Nurture or Nature. Handed down from the previous generation, previous generations.
Through information in our DNA (Nature) or through behaviours we were exposed to (Nurture), we develop into beings that are not able to function optimally, experiencing some closed-off-ness or disconnection somewhere in our neurocircuitry, beit tension in our body (soma) or dis-ease in our mind (psyche).
Body, Mind
Soma + Psyche.
Mind, Body
Psyche + Soma.
So it's all Psychosomatic then.
Nurture + Nature.
Nurture, Nature
Neurodivergence + Trauma.
Neurodivergence, Trauma
Psyche + Soma.
Psyche, Soma
Nurture + Nature.
Phew! Seems a bit Chicken and Egg really. Even for the Vegans among us. Lol. (Yes I did just Lol. Srsly.)
So the verdict is still out.
And of course it ain't binary!
You say Tomayto
I say Tomahto.
I don't want to call the whole thing off!
(There is a field - quantum? -, I'll meet you there.)
There's (almost) always a third way!
So if (almost) everything's Nature or Nurture - or Nature *and* Nurture - how important is the Trauma and/or Neurodivergence piece? And what's the next iteration in Humanity's Evolution?
Rather than clutching these gems like some fearful leader before the fall of a sick civilization, how do we actually receive the Wisdom in the Trauma and Neurodivergence Transmissions to be able to Decolonise Ourselves?
Decolonise our Minds and our Bodies I mean. Our individual and collective minds and bodies. Getting stuck on the trauma piece could be a troublesome place to reside. Therein lays the Trap of Limitations. Limitations we want to free ourselves from. Stuck in some sort of weird Karmic Loop. But it feels safe in there, right? Familiar at least.
Decolonise. When will we have the courage and strength to remove the unnecessary and oppressive forces of control that have been laid upon our bodies and our minds and our systems and our lives?
Spoiler alert
Drum roll
An end to segregation!
Weaving the way for the next generation.
Where and when does it begin?
The next iteration.
It's here.
Ready for us.
The next layer,
The next cycle.
We gotta keep on keeping on.
Breathe into your belly and into your chest.
Your diaphragm and your lungs if you will.
Move your animal body.
Feel that delicious Sweet Pain.
Not the oh fuck I've pulled something really bad kinda pain.
Scrunch up your face.
Stick out your tongue right out and go "Bleurghhaaaahhh..!"
And let go.
Let go.
Wave your hands in the air
Like you just don't care.
And stick od your tongue and go "blaaaaaarrrgh!"
And let it alllll go.
Let. It Go.
Write, speak, sing those ruminations that rattle around your head.
Seek energy and bodyworkers for those harder to reach body pains.
Ask for support from your true self,, your inner guidance, the wisdom of the universe.
Ask the question - how do we create a More Beautiful, Just World?
Keep on having these conversations.
Commune with yourself, your care givers, families, educators, peers, coworkers, communities, organisations, societies, deities, multiverses, cosmos.
We are the weavers.
The way walkers.
The ancestors.
Of Soil and Soul
The way of integration
The way of the Heart.
One love dearlings x