First 40 days sacred window
7 Dec 2020
There's so much I wanna share, but right now I want to share this. It doesn't matter if I don't start at the beginning, right? Specially considering life ain't linear, depending how you approach it!
I've just completed my first 40 days "sacred window" of motherhood.
I was attending the 6 week Highden earth mandala temple training for the beginning of this sacred window. I see and feel the temple training as a magical bridge from the final weeks of pregnancy to the first weeks postpartum. I only took one day off - Eden's birth day!
The midway marker was our inner marriage ceremony - for me a commitment of spirit fully landing in matter. Eden arrived 5 days later, during the middle of "emergence week" no less!
A few more weeks have passed and here we are. I'm experiencing how much things are finally landing for me as we've moved from the Welsh hills to the Sussex coast. Offering our placenta to the land and the spirits of Cae Mabon. Closing the bones on a full moon night to steward this transition with nurturance, honouring and love.
Deeply healing and transformative rituals. I have both given and received the affirmation that I am mother and independent being both. Both of these I am, and so much more.
Some real "aha" moments - whilst walking in nature, breastfeeding in bed, driving down the motorway, the lot! Of course it's cyclical and this isn't a final destination, but I'm really feeling learnings landing deeply in my being.
We are the prayer. Life is sacred. The way will unfold if I trust it. Love is the way.
This past week I have driven over 700 miles, just me and Eden. Particularly motivated by the importance for my grandfather, with a recent cancer diagnosis, to meet his great-grandson. And for Eden and I to find a nest for the next chapter.
I'm feeling deeply connected to spirit for this great adventure. I am learning again, moment to moment to forgive and to accept - within and without. Every day I am thankful for trusting my body, my soul, spirit and the mystery for what is unfolding in and around me.
This next chapter I feel we have the desire to come out of our protective nest and weave a web of connectedness for the next phase, for sacred community.
It feels good. It just is. I love you
Bathtime, 41 days.