Finding Home

10 January 2023

After only 3 weeks in our home, I could weep at the realisation of how much more capable I am at dealing with life with this basis, this root system, support structure. I'm back.

I'm not feeling so run ragged, even with Eden poorly and the persistent wind and rain outside. I feel so absolutely humbled to have the opportunity of a stable home after 3 years of struggle and uncertainty.

It's not where I want to be long-term, but it will do well for us for the now. It's a peaceful sanctuary in East Sussex near to some of the communities we are part of.

I found living in our previous house hard. There was a bottle neck right outside where vehicles would brake hard then speed up again and zoom off. Noisy heavy trucks would be a regular feature because of the new builds going on locally. The layout and energetics made me feel like a goldfish in a goldfish bowl, claustrophobic and stuck. I felt fenced in vu the narrow fenced off garden. It was noisier and more hectic than London, without the charm and idiosyncrasies of that place. 


Journeying to the depths of our crazy


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